Studentenwerk Halle

Opening hours

Mon - Fri     11:00 am - 01:30 pm

Your Mensa Burg at a glance

Size: 84 seats

✓ 2-3 different dishes a day
✓ The cheapest complete meal from € 1.70 (sprint menu) daily
✓ At least one vegetarian meal a day
✓ Freshly ground and brewed coffee specialties from fair trade and in organic quality
✓ Different types of soft drinks, Lipz-Fruchtschorle, Mio Mate, etc.

✓ Outdoor dining: outdoor seats in front of your canteen
✓ Easy card payment with your student ID


Freshly cooked food every day

We cook with fresh ingredients for you every day in all facilities! Learn more!


Anja Fiedler


Tel: +49 345 7751743


Mensa Burg

Seebener Str. 1
06114 Halle

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